
Refund Policy
Complete your registration risk free through June 19, 2023. If you need to cancel your registration prior to June 19, 2023, you'll receive your registration, less credit card processing fees, as a refund. All cancellations must be submitted to conference@ifs-institute.com. No refunds/credits will be given after June 19, 2023. 
Continuing Education Grievances (CELS - CE Learning Systems)
If a grievance arises pertaining to continuing education activities or processes, please contact Tyler Gibson via confidential email to tyler@celearningsystems.com as soon as possible, so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion.
Where can I find my Attendee Dashboard link?
Upon registering, you should receive an email from support@ce-go.com with a link to access your Attendee Dashboard. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folder. If you still cannot locate the email, you may retrieve your Attendee Dashboard link by clicking HERE

Medical Disclaimer and Personal Responsibility

The nature of the IFS learning process may stimulate psychological and emotional issues for participants.  Participants are required to take responsibility for maintaining their own safety in IFSI courses. Acknowledging and agreeing to this, is part of the registration process for this event. 

IFS workshops and courses as well as associated support from course facilitators are not a substitute for professional mental health care services, or medical care. They are also not intended for clinical diagnosis, or treatment, nor are the information or activities IFS trainings provide intended to replace consultation with a qualified healthcare provider.

Should you experience a mental health, or other emergency. If you are in crisis now or anytime, please contact your local emergency services (for example, 911), or go to the nearest emergency room.

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